I have read many book and almost all of them are fiction. For me reading novels is a remedy whenever I feel tired. But lately, I’m into self-improvement book. I should’ve do earlier, but better late than never.
So, my favorite book for this moment is Filosofi Teras. A book by Henry Manampiring which talks about stoicism (filsafat Stoa). This book doesn’t only tell the stoicism’s principals but also how to do it in daily life. The author also tell his experiences as he tries to be a stoic. When it can be applied, how to do it, how it can change his life and many more.
For me, this book is a life changing book. It gives me new insight about how to be happy and how to be chill through life. I love almost all the topics. But if I may tell you some of my favorite topic, then here we go.
> “Have courage and be kind” We have to be kind. Despite the feedback or what other did to us, choose to be kind. Because we are designed to be it.
> “Some things are up to us, some things are not up to us” - Epictetus (Enchiridion). Our happiness only based on the things that are up to us, which are the things we can control. There are so many things we can’t control and they should not matter to our happiness, including people’s judgement to us. It’s important for me.
> You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.” - Marcus Aurelius (Meditations). It’s all in our mind. How we see one thing matters the most.
Honestly there are many more interesting things in this book. Trust me, this is a fun and enlightening book. You have to read it. Maybe I’ll talked about this book more later.